After what seemed like forever (seriously, I only skipped a year due to COVID precautions so I’m being a bit dramatic), I was delighted to be back in Tucson for the Gem show to bask in the glorious crystals, endless amount of gemstones, and tons of new lapidary material. Hallelujah!
Traveling was easier than normal due to fewer people traveling. At the time of visiting, the county of Pima had indoor masks required and most vendors and shoppers were wearing masks inside as well as outside.
This year I was shopping for new lapidary material for cutting and some crystals for home decor. I was also on the lookout for new vendors that might catch my eye. The jeweler friends I travel with to the show were on the hunt for gemmy strands of gemstones to make candy necklaces, charms, home decor, and new vendors. Check out my previous posts here for more Tucson Gem show tips!
We opted for another Airb&b this trip and had all of our dinners delivered. This allowed us time to review our found treasures, plan out some jewelry designs, and make some gemstone candy necklaces in the evenings. By day two we all were well on our way to creating a glorious #neckmess that we’d be proud to post on social media.
The weather this year was cold (Arizona gets cold. Who knew?!) and some of the outdoor shows got very windy. Pro tip: Bring a packable puff jacket with a hood. It’s super lightweight and is perfect for when you are exhausted, lugging a bag full of stone, and waiting outside in the evening wind for your Lyft. Another benefit of wearing KN95 masks was that it kept us warmer and less dehydrated.
One of the top musts on my list this year was checking out the new Alfie Norville Gem and Mineral Museum and it did not disappoint! Ready to learn all the reasons not to miss this spectacular attraction? Read Tucson Tips part 2!
The above photo is me digging through a bin of emerald rough. Most vendors selling rough have water bottles close at hand so you can spray the rocks to see what the gemstone will look like when it's polished.
Next (Tucson Tips part 2)